Welcome to the Oklahoma society of addiction medicine website
Working today to change tomorrow! Treating addiction, saves lives !
Working today to change tomorrow! Treating addiction, saves lives !
We are the Oklahoma chapter of the American Society of Addiction Medicine. ASAM is an addiction medicine professional society representing over 5,000 physicians, clinicians and associated professionals with a focus on addiction and its treatment.
OKSAM advocates for policies that promote access to high-quality treatment and recovery support services for the millions of Americans who suffer from a substance use disorder. OKSAM is working with government, academic centers, insurers and our national organizations to promote policies that advance addiction medicine.
Please help save lives by promoting the treatment of addiction.
Think about a City. Let’s say the population is a little over 100,000. Now imagine that over the course of a year, every single one of those people die… Now imagine that exact same thing is going to happen to another small city every year from now on.
Every day in America addiction is killing people. They are our neighbors, friends and family. The population of a small city, simply wiped off the face of the earth.
The Oklahoma chapter of the American Society of addiction medicine will have their next annual meeting on August 16, 2025 in Oklahoma City at the OU medical library Faculty Atrium. If you plan on attending please email oksamconference@gmail.com. The Robert M. Bird Library is located near the NW corner of Stonewall Ave and NE 10th Street (1105 N. Stonewall Ave) . The meeting will be a round table format with the elections and lunch will be served.
820 West Danforth Road, A 46 Edmond, Oklahoma 73003, United States
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